
REVITAX is the next generation of neutral “Wash&Coat” shampoo, to wash, seal, protect and extend the life
of the previously applied coating. On untreated cars, it is able to assure gloss and protection, equal to nano-
sealants, for at least 4 months. With excellent cleaning properties and good lubrication, #REVITAX adheres
and protects in a truly wonderful manner, assuring extremely high beading and sheeting levels. The product is
extremely cost-effective thanks to the extremely high dilution 1:100 (30 mg is enough to wash and protect a
large-sized car). #REVITAX is different from other products on the market because it consists of a mixture of
solubilised siloxanes that firmly adhere to the body assuring a remarkable protective effect (against weathering,
chemical aggression and even bird droppings), silk effect and resistance, with excellent foaming and lubrication
during washing. Although it is a neutral product, it has excellent cleaning properties and is able to dissolve and
soften dirt. It does not interfere with nano-protectives applied on windows and leaves no halos or streaks.


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