A product capable of restoring Bumpers, Side Panels, Spoilers and Bonnets with just one “blow” and without smearing.
The high content of fine polymer-based substances and nutrients in FASPOILER creates a polished, transparent and protective veil that clings to the treated parts instantly, restoring any surface in glass reinforced plastic (mudguards and others), plastic – discoloured or damaged by continued exposure to sunlight – and any rubber parts.
If used regularly FASPOILER prevents the discolouring and ageing of exposed parts.
Over time the layer that forms on the treated surface remains invisible and withstands the effects of hot or cold water and sun and dust, not to mention the annoying “cracking” effect.
MA-FRA FASPOILER is used by car wash professionals and is available in a 300ml spray format.
This is one of the best car polish product from Mafra, international car wash and car deteailing international supllier.
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